Concrete Resurfacers

Heavy Traffic

Will Heavy Traffic Resurfacer hold up to vehicle traffic?

Yes, this product is designed for vehicular traffic.

Can Heavy Traffic Resurfacer be applied in Northern part of the country where freezing weather will persist for months?

Yes, this product is designed to withstand freeze thaw conditions.

Will acid stain react with Heavy Traffic Resurfacer?

Yes, all stains will work with Heavy Traffic Resurfacer.

What is the maximum thickness of Heavy Traffic Resurfacer in a single placement?

Maximum thickness in a single placement is 1/8″.

Is Heavy Traffic Resurfacer compatible with oxide type colorants for integral coloring?


Does Heavy Traffic Resurfacer require a liquid polymer to be added prior to installation?

No, Heavy Traffic Resurfacer is a single component mix requiring only water to be added.

Can Heavy Traffic Resurfacer be stamped?

No, H&C Stampable Overlay should be used.

Can Heavy Traffic Resurfacer be polished?


Color Packs

Do I always have to use 1 color pack to one 50 lb bag mix? Can I use 2 color packs with one bag? What are my mix options?

Maximum load is 2 Color Packs per 50 lb bag.

Can the color packs be used with all H&C bag mixes?

Yes, Color Packs are designed to be used with most H&C bag mixes, however we do not suggest use with H&C Micro-Topping because the aggregate size is so fine that the materials do not blend well. Sometimes streaks can occur after the material is troweled out. Performance will not be compromised if color packs are used; however, the color appearance will not be as uniform as our other bagged good systems. Micro-Topping can be used with our Decorative Stains if color is desired.

Can I use the color packs with Broom Finish & Repair?

Yes, but please note that the end color will be slightly different from the Color Chart, because Broom Finish Repair uses a gray portland cement.

Can I use color packs with Quick Patch & Repair?

Yes, 20% of a Color Pack.

Broom Finish Repair

Will Broom Finish Repair hold up to vehicle traffic?

Yes, this product is designed for vehicular traffic.

Can Broom Finish Repair be applied in Northern part of the country where freezing weather will persist for months?

Yes, this product is designed to withstand freeze thaw conditions.

Does Broom Finish Repair have to be sealed?

Yes, the resurfacer should be sealed with an H&C sealer, please refer to product data page for more information.

Will acid stain react with Broom Finish Repair?

Yes, all stains will work with this product.

What is the maximum thickness of Broom Finish Repair in a single placement?

Maximum thickness in a single placement is 1/8″.

Is Broom Finish Repair compatible with oxide type colorants for integral coloring?


Does Broom Finish Repair require a liquid polymer to be added prior to installation?

No, Broom Finish Repair is a single component mix requiring only water to be added.

Can Broom Finish Repair be polished?


Quick Patch & Repair

Will Quick Patch & Repair fill cracks in concrete?

Quick Patch & Repair can be used to treat cracks up to 1″ wide.

Can Quick Patch & Repair be acid stained?

Yes, all stains will work with this product.

How long before Quick Patch & Repair can be walked on?

About 1-2 hours.

Is Quick Patch & Repair compatible with oxide type colorants for integral coloring?


Does Quick Patch & Repair require a liquid polymer to be added prior to installation?

No, Quick Patch & Repair is a single component mix requiring only water to be added.

What is the maximum thickness of Quick Patch & Repair in a single placement?

Maximum thickness in a single placement is 1″.

Stampable Overlay

What is the maximum thickness Stampable Overlay can be place at?

Maximum thickness in a single placement is ½”

Can Stampable Overlay be integrally colored?

Yes, by adding 1 Color Pack per bag of Stampable Overlay.

How do you determine when the Overlay is ready to be stamped?

By gently pressing your fingers onto the Stampable Overlay surface, if you pull product onto your fingers give the product more time to setup, if you leave finger imprints and don’t pull product on your fingers the product is ready to stamp.

Can a powder release be used on Stampable Overlay?

No, H&C Liquid Release is the recommended release agent for Stampable Overlay.

What do I use as a release agent for the stamp?

Typically Liquid Release is used and recommended.

Can Liquid Release be tinted? If so, what type of colorant?

No, we don’t recommend tinting Liquid Release.

How long before I can stain and/or seal the overlay?

Typically the following day.

Will Stampable Overlay hold up to vehicular traffic?

Yes, this product is designed for vehicular traffic.

Will Stampable Overlay hold up to freeze /thaw cycles in the Northern climates?

Yes, this product is designed to withstand freeze thaw conditions.